Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Disturbing Antique Store Treasures: Round 2

The latest addition to the American Girl doll collection, 
Trixie is a dull girl who lives in Alabama with her 7 cats.

What every nativity scene needs, a "tramp" named 
Larry and a necklace wearing bear.

I'm not saying that the world's 2nd scariest clown is living under 
your bed, but you may want to sleep on the couch tonight. 

Gee, I wonder why PayDay doesn't use this slogan or the
 young Bruce Jenner in their ad campaigns anymore?

You had me at Pink Panther and a giant boom box. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure

I went back again to my favorite antique store, and had no problem finding more Disturbing Antique Store Treasures.

Is the little girl supposed to be looking at the birds or is she just doing the birds evil bidding?
AKA put a bird on it. 

Wins the prize for: Most strategic use of a price tag.

So if I get this book I can learn how to make these wonderful crocheted collars, but where oh where can I learn how to make the matching hat and gloves?

Modern really goes without saying doesn't it? I mean it's obvious with the use of robot font. Proves that at one time, everything is modern before its retro.

It's not the surfing monkey that's odd about this framed photo - it's that Matt le Blanc is wearing jeans surfing. I mean, who does that? 
 *Shudder* So. Disturbing.

Poodle ashtrays almost make me want to take up smoking while holding a poodle, in a poodle skirt.

Look close, you thought this was a cool card clock on velvet in a frame, but you see they're Budweiser cards. No, I won't go back and get it for you. 

Looks like Santa is "Heading for a Heart Attack"

The orginal Snoop Dogs. Okay these aren't disturbing, I just wanted to use that line.

Hey whatcha doin? Oh just floating on a cloud with viking ships, of course, that's what giant baby heads do.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ireland: Day 1 in Dublin "Dubh Linn"

After a short flight from London to Dublin we finally arrived on the Emerald Isle! The airport was small which was kinda nice after navigating our way through the city that is Heathrow airport. We rented a car, looking forward to getting a sporty European car with a strange name, like an Invicta Black Prince Wentworth but instead we got a Ford Focus. Oh well, nice to be supporting the American car industry while we're traveling abroad. 

Took us a while to find our hotel (The Drury Court Dublin Hotel), in the rain, down one way streets near Stephens Green. Took us even longer to find the hotel again once we parked. The hotel was older, but clean and the room was pretty big.

Ireland Traveler's Tip #1: When traveling in Ireland, try to find a hotel that includes onsite parking. Spend your time seeing the sights instead of lugging your stuff from your car to your hotel.

Eden Restaurant - Dublin (sans Spocoli)
We got lost a few times, next time I'll remember to pay attention to landmarks, not street signs, which are hard to find. After checking in we ventured out in the rain to try to find a "contemporary Irish food" restaurant in Meeting House Square in Temple Bar called Eden. The restaurant was recommended by Rick Steves and I swear, when we sat down for dinner and looked around, we were surrounded by American NPR listeners. I wouldn't hold that against them. Little did we know that dinner would be the best meal we had in Ireland, the slow cooked braised beef and beet goat cheese risotto was excellent. The service was even better. Luckily we went early because we didn't have a reservation.

Apparently celebrities go to this restaurant when they're in town, they told us that Sean Penn spent every night there when filming "This Must be the Place". Again, I wouldn't hold it against them.

Ireland Traveler's Tip #2: I can't recommend Rick Steves Ireland Guidebook enough. It gives you the off-the-beaten path places to visit, and also what to look out for in the touristy places.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rave Run - Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire UK

The canal a day later,
after the storm had passed
On day 3 of our trip we headed up to county Staffordshire for a motorcycle jumble (in American that means swap meet). We stayed in Stoke-on-Trent at a friendly Travelodge that included a carvery (in American that means tasty all meat buffet).

Since my marathon was less than a month away I very reluctantly decided to go for a run. Reluctantly because it was storming outside, and not showing any signs of letting up. And not some wimpy California storm, like a real "oh yes now I understand why this place is so green and they drink a lot of hot tea" English storm. I asked the desk clerk if she could recommend a place to run and she pointed me to a path along a canal less than a block away.

Those Brits sure do have nice manners
What an amazing running route. The Worcestershire Canal (commonly known as the Staffs & Worcs Canal) is 46 miles long, and includes views of wooded paths, quaint English backyard gardens, horses and these really cool live aboard narrowboats. 

The freezing rain pelted me from every direction, I had a terrible cold and had to stop more than once to cough up what felt like one if not both of my lungs, and not long into the run I could no longer feel my fingers. But it was one of the best runs I've ever had. The few brave souls that I encountered and the dogs they were walking looked at me like I was crazy. And of course I was, but the pain and agony was worth every crazy mile. 

Narrowboat tied up to someone's backyard.

Monday, May 28, 2012

San Diego to London

When we were planning our trip to Ireland we decided to take the British Airways direct flight from San Diego to London before flying on to Dublin, mostly to avoid LAX but also because who can resist a trip to the home of the Underground, Oliver Twist, Bananarama, the BBC and of course Detective Chief Inspector John Luther.

Heathrow was a buzz about the long lines (oops, I mean queue) to get across the border. Took the tube straight to Gloucester St, in Kensington.

Since we only had a day we decided to do the touristy Big Bus Tour of London. Despite the downpour it was a great way to see the city. We got off the bus at the London Eye and walked all around the River Thames to the Tower of London.

Found a great pub in St. Katharine's Dock Dickens Inn and took a few pictures along the way. Interested in seeing my London Big Bus photos? Well, here you go then.

I like it juuuust fine.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Run (AKA Let's Burn Some Calories to Make Way for Pumpkin Pie)

My favorite time to run is the hour before sunset. So in the winter when sunset is at 4:30 it's rare that I get out of work in time to run when I really want. Which is why I LOVE the day before Thanksgiving. We close the office at 3pm and I head out the door to get a nice long run in before sunset.

Today I did a loop from the Shores to UCSD and to have an excuse to rest, I decided to take a photo at every mile.
Mile 1: New Lifeguard Station.  Lovely isn't it?  Look ma, no filters needed on this photo.

Mile 2: Bridge Over (River) Shores

Mile 3: 5 MPH Not a Problem, That's My Favorite Pace!

Mile 4: Power Lines.

Mile 5: Just in Time - Finished at Sunset

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Date with a Ninja

A few weeks ago @joshmalina (aka Will Bailey) posted a recipe for a Banana Date Smoothie or more.  Unfortunately I burned out my blender making hummus - which I will not be posting a recipe for, because making hummus yourself is a little like bedazzling a jean jacket.  A tasteless waste of time.

So I kept thinking about this delicious banana date smoothie until I finally forced myself to head to my least favorite store (hint: it ryhmes with Ted, Cath and Score) to get the Ninja Master Prep Professional QB1004 which according to the internets "delivered smooth and consistently icy drinks and topped the Consumer Reports Ratings of food choppers"

It seemed a bit more than I needed for a simple smoothie, being a food processor and a blender, and having multiple bowls and pitchers and whatnots.  But the second I cut my finger on the super sharp blades of the Ninja Master Prep Professional QB1004 display model I was sold. Dang if it doesn't live up to it's Ninja name, it's like 500 Ninjas throwing 500 throwing stars directly at an iceberg until it turns into hawaiian shave ice. 

I am in no way getting paid by Ninja® or getting compensated for my injury, I really just wanted to share my recipe.  Because by the time I bought my blender I had forgotten where I had seen the original Will Bailey recipe and I had to make it up. 

Ninja Banana Date Smoothie Recipe
  • 1/2 cup nonfat milk
  • 6 or so dates
  • 1/2 cup vanilla or honey nonfat yogurt (my favorite is Chobani greek yogurt)
  • Tablespoon or two of peanut butter
  • 1 cup of ice or 2 cups of ice if you like your smoothie slushy
  • 1/2 a banana - even better if it's frozen
Blend the peanut butter, milk and dates together for a minute or so, I mean really blend them, a chunky date smoothie is not so good.  Some recipes say to soak the dates in milk for 15 minutes to soften them, this would mean you would have to actually plan to make your smoothie a full 15 minutes before you want to drink it. 

Add the rest of the ingredients and blend for a couple minutes more.  With my Ninja I swear this is maybe a few pulses, and the ice turns to a tasty snowconey consistency. 

And...as always, if you want more, make it a double.