1969...Hennessy Road, Wanchai. Check out the the white building on the right hand side with the red Chinese characters painted on the building wall. On Google maps below you can see the same building, painted pink.
2016...Nearly 50 years later.
1969...Paintings for sale at Lok Ma Chau, the Honk Kong/China border

2016... No more paintings, plenty of parking though.
1969...Victoria Peak lookout, Hong Kong
2014... Not much has changed, you can see the same building that overlooks Hong Kong.
Photo Credit: Michael Coghlan
1969...View of Hong Kong from Victoria Peak
2015...Buildings are a little bigger, just a little.
Photo Credit: Rodney Topor
1969...Hennessy Road, View of the Chinese Methodist Church on the left
2016...The Church on the left has been renovated, but is still recognizable.