Out of all of the states Ohio wins in the best welcome sign contest. It's a really pretty state with rolling hills and lots of trees. Peg and JoMo, why did you ever leave? :)
We dropped the dogs off at a kennel because they're not allowed in the racetrack. That was hard since it's the first time they've ever been to one, but the kennel was nicer than we could have imagined and the people seemed really friendly.
The track is in the middle of nowhere, halfway between Cleveland and Columbus with farms all around.

You can check out where our RV is in relation to the track (and you can check out my mad MS Paint skills) here.
More from the land of motorcycles later...
I'm waiting for you to go somewhere in my birth state that isn't a cornfield or a farm of some sort before I comment any further.
One thing you'll notice about Ohio...churches are more commonplace than 7/11s.
I think b's home state wins for churches. and what do you mean you're waiting for us to go somewhere? The largest vintage motorcyle show in the country not quite doing it for you? ;)
I SO wanted to see a picture of you in a leather anything!!!
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